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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Quality of work life

Quality of work life aims at integrating the scio;psychological needs of people in the organisation,the unique requirement of a particular technology,the structure and process of the organisation and the existing socio ;cultural miliue.
It is thus concerned with the overall climate of the work.
Nadler and Lawler have defined qwl as follows-- Quality of work life is conserned about the impact of work on people as well as on organisational effectivness, and the idea of participation in organisational problems solving and decision making.
Approaches to improve qwality of work life---
1- Flexibility in work shedule-Employee want flexibility in work shedule.There may be three aspect of flebility.
Flextime-- a system of flexible working working hours.
Staggred working hours-- differemt time intervals for bginning and end of working hours.
Compressed work week.
To the extent this flexibility is provided in the work system,it becomes more motivating to the employee.
2---Autonomous work group--creation of autonomous work group helps in creating positive feelings in employees. They may be given freedom to choose their own teams,there should be freedom of decision making regarding the choice of methods of work,distribution of task among group menbers,and designing of work shedule.
3--Job Enrichment--Job enrichment attempts to design a job in such a way that it becomes more interesting and challanging so that the job the job holders makes meaning out of that. The degree of job enrichment determines the degree of QWL.
4--Opportunity of growth-- An employee particularly the acheivement oriented one,seeks growth through his work.If the work provide him opportunity for personnel groth and to develop his personality,he will feel commited to the job and the organisation.
5--Paricipation-- Participation in decision making particularly on the matters directly concern with an individuals working has an important bearing on his satisfaction and performance.High degree of satisfaction increase QWL and overall organisation climate.
6-Communication-- To make qwality of worklife sound,effective two way communication is nesessary.Through the Downward communication,employee would receive information about the various aspect of the organisation. Through upward communication employee can share their views, and suggestion for implroving the work performance.