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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

personality tests and other indicators - excel/xls or word/doc format free downloads

free multiple intelligences test - adult and/or young people - based on Gardner's model - in MSExcel/xls self-calculating format

free Multiple Intelligences test - manual test in MSExcel/xls

free Multiple Intelligences test - manual test for young people in MSExcel/xls

free VAK learning styles multiple-choice questionnaire test - MSWord/doc file - simple quick free assessment of personal VAK learning style

leadership and motivation assessment tool - word - are you a truly motivational leader? - a modern leadership self-test provided by leadership writer Blair Palmer

motivation indicator simple test - MSExcel/xls - flexible individual motivation assessment tool, loosely based on Herzberg motivators and hygiene factors - good workshop tool

personality profile and motivation test - MSExcel/xls - multi-facet personality test and discussion document for reviews, appraisals, and career direction dicusssions

graphology (handwriting anlysis) self-test - (doc file) - good for workshops, meetings and personality profiling awareness and training

management style test based on McGregor's XY-Theory - (doc file) - to assess individual preferred management style, and actual organizational management style

same free XY Theory test tool - two-page version with clearer layout and scoring - (doc version)