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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Human Resource power point slides: Management vs. Leadership

Human Resource power point slides: Management vs. Leadership

Human Resource power point slides: Induction Template

Human Resource power point slides: Induction Template

Human Resource power point slides: The Role & Contribution of Hr Manager for Organizational Development

Human Resource power point slides: The Role & Contribution of Hr Manager for Organizational Development

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Ppt On Legal Compliances

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

How to Reverse Negative Staff Attitudes

Employees and Companies Can Develop a Negative “Aura”

Staff and management do not establish goals to infuse a negative culture into their department or company. The predominance of negativity is typically insidious because it happens over time. Much like the culture of “losing” that afflicts athletic teams, including the feeling that the players know the outcome before the game begins, some corporate teams, departments, and companies unknowingly adopt this attitude.

At other times, the reasons are not only obvious but understandable. Corporate downsizing, with many employees separated from the company, often create negative attitudes among the majority of remaining staff members. Unlike layoffs, which imply (at least) that the company will re-employ the separated employees, downsizing contains no such unwritten promise.

Unfortunately, downsizing indicates the former employees will not be rehired, which removes the always important human value of “hope.” When hope is removed from the personal or professional equation, a form of “workplace depression” often emerges. These negative attitudes can become damaging to performance, teamwork, and goal achievement.

The key for management is to identify negative staff attitudes and, once discovered, take immediate action to reverse these destructive issues and behaviours. Here are some suggestions for managers to consider.

Reversing Negative Staff Attitudes
Unfortunately, the reversal of negative staff attitudes cannot be compartmentalised into a simple, neat, and technical answer. Humans tend to be complex organisms. There is little consistency in their behaviour and attitudes. Further complicating this issue is the reason for the negative staff attitudes or behaviours. Understandably, management may not care about the motivation. Yet, they must take action to reverse the condition.

Some combination of the following actions often cures the problem.

  • Be upfront and acknowledge the negativity problem. At first, this may seem like a useless or, at best, ineffective activity. However, remember two things: The staff is well aware of the negativity of one or more team members. Second, management attempts at being “subtle” often indicate to employees that they (management) are either unaware of the problem or choose to ignore it. Acknowledging the negativity problem is a critical component to its resolution.
  • Display positive behaviour at all times. Much like political candidates and stage actors, management, regardless of their true feelings (they may also be a bit negative because of downsizing and uncertainty), must publicly display total positivity. Employees should witness the positive alternative to their negativity.
  • Publicly identify any and all positive issues. Unless the company has already scheduled a meeting with legal counsel to prepare Chapter 11 bankruptcy paperwork, the business has many positive features. These factors tend to be overlooked during conditions that generate negativity. Management should be diligent - and very vocal - with staff to identify every positive aspect of the company and its products or services.
  • Recognise every positive contribution by staff members. Always a successful procedure, public recognition of individual employee performance and contribution can be as “contagious” as its opposite – negativity. When management faces a negative-oriented staff, the importance and rewards of public recognition of superior performance take on majestic proportions.
  • Encourage individuals and teams to contribute to decision-making. The popular term is “empowerment” but that is more appropriate to textbooks. When management gives its staff the ability to contribute ideas and suggestions to marketing, operations, or financial policies, employees typically respond with great positivity.

As long as there is a world of business, management will encounter individual negative employees. When economic conditions, business reversals, or workplace problems exist, negativity can spread to groups of employees or entire staffs. Management must have a plan and respond quickly before this negativity affects staff performance in the long term. No company can sustain staff negativity for long periods.

Using some or all of the above suggestions, tailored to the specific problems of your company, could give you and other managers the effective tools to reverse negative staff attitudes and the damage that inevitably ensues. Managers who adopt these techniques often find that superiors appreciate their efforts and results.

HR Outsourcing?

What is HR Outsourcing?

Any activity, in which a company lacks internal expertise and confidentiality and requires an unbiased opinion on human resources, can be outsourced. An important reason why various businesses turn to outsource HR services is that they do not have the time or expertise to deal with the situation or we can say that Outsourcing of HR Activities which are more of day-to-day or month-to-month requirements

What can be outsourced?

  • Alcohol and Drug Test
  • Employee Background Checking
  • Employees Benefits Administration
  • Employment Screening
  • Payroll Administration
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Salary Surveys
  • Time & Attendance Tracking
  • Employee Liability Management
  • Hiring and Recruiting
  • Employee Training
  • Performance Management
  • Database Management

Why HR Outsourcing?

HR Outsourcing helps in

  • Cost-savings: Costs are reduced primarily for companies that are extremely large and inefficient. But the savings are there, freeing up capital for other ventures.
  • Improve the quality of service with high speed of accuracy
  • Standardization of HR Process and Systems
  • HR professionals can be more strategic: rather than being forced to enter data, crunch numbers, and push paper, HR professionals can focus their efforts on improving company-wide systems and procedures. HR professionals can maximize their expertise when they are relieved of administrative tasks.
  • Better technology: HR Outsourcing providers keep up with technology, plain and simple. It’s their job to do so. Companies can avoid the expense of upgrading their own technology by outsourcing human resources
  • The CEOs, Line Managers expects HR Department to play role of a strategic partner for business growth. The core aspect of HR function related to strategic partner for business growth. The core aspects of HR Functions begins with attracting and retaining talent, building people capability in the organisation, developing a leadership pipeline and creating a learning organisation

Disadvantages of HR Outsourcing

  • Loss of managerial control, because it is more difficult to manage outside service providers than managing one’s own employees working possibly in the same building.
  • Often the hidden costs are difficult to calculate or prepare for. These include legal costs related to putting together a contract between two companies and the time spent to coordinating the contract.
  • The fear of losing jobs
  • Threat to security and confidentiality. If your company is outsourcing processes like payroll
  • Outsourcing stigma Again, there is already a stigma surrounding outsourcing. Opponents of this business practice cry foul because jobs are being sent overseas to employees with considerably fewer skills and less expertise.

Whether to go for HR Outsourcing or not?

360 Degree Appraisal system

What is 360 degree appraisal system?

It is a process which receives confidential, anonymous feedback about the person from his manager, peers, and direct reports. Eight to Ten Employees who are associated with the employee fill feedback form that asks questions to measure the workplace competencies on a rating scale. The person receiving feedback also fills out a self-rating survey that includes the same survey questions that others receive in their forms.

Individual responses are always combined with responses from other people in the same rater category (e.g. peer, direct report) in order to preserve anonymity and to give the employee a clear picture of his/her greatest overall strengths and weaknesses.

360 degree Appraisal system for non-managers is useful to help people be more effective in their current roles, and also to help them understand what areas they should focus on if they want to move into a management role.

The relationship of 360 Degree Appraisal System with other Human Resource Systems is positive in terms of its utility. It is used for training, team building, career development, succession planning, performance assessment and for monitoring the effects of change training programmes.

360 degree Appraisal system makes better performance of the organization because

  • Enhances performance quality
  • Provides specific performance feedback
  • Targets developmental areas
  • Provides strong motivation
  • Facilitates performance improvement
  • Allows measurement of training effectiveness
  • Enhances self-knowledge
  • Supports continuous learning
  • Improves the reliability and validity of performance information.

There are few inherent difficulties are not unique and common with any appraisal & feedback systems like

  • Managers may focus on pleasing subordinates in an effort to get higher appraisal
  • The authority of manager could be undermined by the pressure of upward appraisals and the implications of low evaluations for a manager’s status within the organization.
  • 360 degree Appraisal System is not focused on basic technical or job-specific skills
  • 360 degree appraisal system should not be used to measure strictly objective things such as attendance, sales quotas, etc.
  • Managers may also be confused about how to interpret subordinate appraisal relative to ratings from other sources, such as their bosses

In order to reap maximum benefits from the system, the system should have

Senior-Level Support – Senior Managers should participate in the 360 degree feedbackappraisal process and actively pursue their own developmental plans.

Communicating the purpose of the system to all the employees

Proper Planning for the implementation of 360 degree appraisal system

Delivery of Feedback - If feedback is not provided in an appropriate manner, your program could backfire. We recommend using professional, neutral coaches to deliver feedback.

Developmental Plan - Every person who receives feedback needs to create some developmental goals based on the feedback he or she received - and remember - those goals need to be both measurable and achievable.

Accountability - Developmental goals are meaningless unless people are held accountable for achieving them. Make sure your employees and their managers understand how to create S.M.A.R.T. goals - Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely.

Follow-Up - Plan to solicit additional feedback six to twelve months after the initial data are collected.


360 degree appraisal system as discussed above has its advantages and disadvantages. However, this has lesser limitations as a performance Management system in comparison to the traditional top-down performance methods. In order to reap the full benefits, organizations need to nurture a value system wherein openness, trust and objectivity are given more emphasis.